Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed.

Unpacking Hypnosis For ADHD: A New Frontier In Treatment

Unpacking Hypnosis For ADHD: A New Frontier In Treatment

Do you or someone you know have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Are you looking for a natural and effective way to manage the symptoms? If so, hypnosis may be the answer for you 🙂

It’s estimated that around 6.1 million children between the ages of four and seventeen have been diagnosed with ADHD in the United States alone! This article will help unpack how hypnosis can be helpful for those living with ADHD.

Not only will we discuss the research behind why hypnosis might improve symptoms associated with ADHD, but we’ll also explore different techniques available that integrate hypnotherapy into traditional therapy options such as CBT.

Let’s take a deep dive together 🙂

Key Takeaways

  1. Hypnosis helps individuals with ADHD gain control over their reactions to external stimuli, enabling them to manage symptoms more effectively.
  2. Evidence suggests that hypnotherapy is equally as effective as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions in reducing ADHD symptoms for adults and children alike.
  3. Research implies that integrating hypnosis into existing treatment plans yields better results than using either treatment alone. The likelihood of improved self-control and increased confidence rises when treatments are used in tandem.
  4. For instance, combining relaxation techniques like deep breathing with positive affirmations help enhance focus, reduce stress levels, and boosts self-esteem while mastering activities associated with ADD & ADHD.

Understanding Hypnosis as a Treatment for ADHD

Hypnosis can help individuals struggling with ADHD by providing an almost trance-like state that aids in emotional control and may lead to better cognitive regulation.

How hypnosis works for ADHD

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It involves deep relaxation, during which a person goes into a trance-like state and becomes highly receptive to suggestion. During this deeply relaxed state, the individual’s critical thinking faculties are lowered so that he or she can better absorb hypnotic suggestions.

For individuals with ADHD, hypnotherapy sessions emphasize calming and relaxation techniques. Often, the techniques are coupled with positive affirmations designed to boost motivation for desired behaviors that help reduce unwanted traits like hyperactivity and impulsivity.

In this way, hypnosis works by helping individuals gain greater control over their reactions to external stimuli in order to better manage their symptoms. For example, research has shown that listening to certain therapeutic lyrical lullabies while being hypnotized for ADHD may help reduce hyperactivity and increase attention span.

Hypnosis can help people with ADHD activate brain networks that control cognitive regulation. The activated brain networks can help them manage emotions, control impulsive behaviors, and focus on tasks for longer periods of time.

The potential benefits of hypnosis for ADHD

Hypnosis may offer various potential benefits for adults with ADHD, such as improved focusreduced stress levels, and enhanced self-control. These positive changes can also result in increased self-esteem and a greater feeling of competence about trying new things.

Evidence has been accumulating that suggest hypnotherapy is as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for reducing symptoms related to attention deficit disorder in adults.

A study by PLOS One found hypnotic suggestion was able to improve reaction times among people diagnosed with ADHD without the need for medication or other forms of treatment.

Additionally, research suggests that combining hypnotherapy with other treatments such as CBT and behavior modification can further increase its effectiveness in managing ADHD symptoms. The findings also suggests that it makes it easier to master control over emotions, actions, and environment which are often associated with the condition.

Research and evidence supporting hypnosis for ADHD treatment

Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness in providing relief from ADHD symptoms through hypnosis for both children and adults. In a study published by the University of Helsinki, hypnotic suggestion was shown to reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, and other symptoms in adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Hypnotic suggestions also had an effect on reaction times in the sustained attention task. Beyond that, studies suggest that when combined with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), hypnotherapy provided a greater outcome for individuals with ADHD as compared to CBT alone.

Exploring the Use of Hypnosis in ADHD Therapy

From hypnotherapy session to hypnotic suggestion, there are various techniques available to individuals with ADHD that can help reduce symptoms and foster greater feelings of self-control and competence.

Different hypnosis techniques for ADHD

A variety of different techniques can be used in hypnosis for ADHD, including the following: guided visualizations, relaxation and calming exercises, positive affirmations, embodied metaphor work, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), cognitive reframing strategies and resource tapping.

Below, I will explore each one:

  1. Guided visualizations involve imagining scenarios that help relax individuals with ADHD and gain control over their reactions to stress or challenging situations. Visualizing can also evoke an altered state of awareness which reduces the symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder such as restlessness and impulsivity.
  2. Relaxation/calming exercises are designed to reduce physical tension by deepening breathing patterns. The exercises also help induce a more relaxed feeling overall in order to manage anxious feelings associated with ADHD symptoms like difficulty concentrating on tasks or focusing on conversations for long periods of time.
  3. Positive affirmations are statements that remind people with ADHD that they can focus even when they have urges to distract themselves or use old coping mechanisms. This technique can help build confidence and address underlying emotional issues that contribute to ADHD symptoms.
  4. Embodied metaphor work uses metaphors to help people understand their experiences in a more concrete way. It can be helpful for addressing abstract concepts and emotions related to symptoms.
  5. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocess (EMDR) therapy can help people with anxiety-producing memories by guiding them through a reprocessed equilibration period.
  6. Cognitive reframing is a technique that helps people change their negative thoughts into more positive ones. The goal of cognitive reframing is to change the way people think about a situation, so that they can feel better and cope with it more effectively.
  7. Resource tapping is a form of EMDR that uses tapping on the body to help people release emotional or physical pain and access their inner resources, such as feelings of safety, calmness, and strength.

Integration of hypnosis with other ADHD treatments

Integrating hypnosis with other forms of treatment for ADHD is becoming increasingly popular. Hypnotherapy can be combined with established treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medication, or educational interventions to promote better management of symptoms and overall improvement in functioning.

Hypnotherapists can teach relaxation techniques and help people make lifestyle changes to cope with stressors, such as busy classrooms or organizational challenges at work.

Research suggests that integrative interventions may have advantages over traditional interventions because they offer a wider range of techniques and encourage people to reflect on their behavior and mindset.

People who have tried both hypnosis and CBT for ADHD symptoms have reported greater benefits than those who have tried only one type of treatment. They have also reported better emotional control, which has helped them to improve their performance in activities such as reading and writing. However, a study by Research Gate indicates that hypnotherapy alone has a better long term outcome over CBT.

Success stories and testimonials from individuals who have used hypnosis for ADHD

Many individuals with ADHD have reported great success and positive experiences when using hypnosis as a treatment. Hypnotherapy has been shown to help adults and children alike manage their symptoms by improving alertness, focus, emotional control, self-esteem, motivation levels and overall well-being. A recent study by Taylor & Francis Online corroborates the sentiment that hypnosis actually helps people with ADHD.

Considerations and Future Directions in Hypnosis for ADHD Treatment

Given the potential benefits of hypnosis and the evidence that it is effective, it should be further studied in clinical trials to determine its full potential as an alternative or supplemental treatment for ADHD..

Finding qualified and experienced hypnotherapists for ADHD

Finding an experienced and qualified hypnotherapist when seeking treatment for ADHD can be essential. After researching the available treatments, those looking to pursue hypnosis as part of their plan must take time to find a hypnotherapist that has experience in treating adults with ADHD.

It’s important to ask about a therapist’s credentials such as their certification, licensing, education and experience in conducting hypnosis-based therapies, specifically for individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Asking about references from other people who have been treated by the chosen practitioner is also a great way to ensure they have the necessary qualifications to do the job.

Potential limitations or risks of hypnosis for ADHD

When it comes to hypnosis for ADHD, there are some important considerations and limitations that should be taken into account. Although no empirical evidence currently exists supporting the use of hypnotherapy as a primary or stand-alone treatment for ADHD, practitioners have found success with individuals using hypnotherapy in combination with other forms of treatments. 

Below is a list of potential limitations or risks:

1. Any positive outcome from a session may not be long-lasting – thus repeated sessions would need to be scheduled in order to experience continued benefit.

2. Another potential risk of hypnosis is that it can unintentionally trigger negative memories or emotions from past traumatic experiences. Additionally, dissociation techniques can lead to emotional detachment, which can make it difficult for people to engage in their lives or activities outside of therapy.

3. Hypnotic suggestion could increase anxiety levels, which can put people at risk of developmental or psychological problems, depending on how the suggestions are given by the practitioner.

Areas for future research and development in hypnosis as a treatment option for ADHD

The future of hypnotherapy as an effective therapy for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remains promising, but there are still a number of areas that need to be investigated. Possible areas for research and development include:

  1. Comparing the effectiveness of hypnosis with other common ADHD treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medications, behavior modification, diet modifications, and neurotherapy.
  2. Investigating into the potential long term effects of using hypnosis to treat ADHD symptoms and identifying if positive outcomes can persist over time without additional interventions.
  3. Researchers are exploring how combining hypnosis techniques with neurotherapy or biofeedback devices can improve relaxation and focus in people with ADHD. Studies are investigating how these combinations can improve sustained attention during tasks, both during and after treatment.
  4. Researchers are examining how tailored hypnotic suggestions can improve self-esteem in adults with ADHD. They also believe that increased success in controlling behavior may lead to fewer impulsive outbursts.
  5. I’m of the opinion that researchers should evaluate the proven benefits of interventions that have been implemented in primary schools to reduce children’s classroom disturbances caused by hyperactive traits. The research should include case studies and individual projects that use alternative medical approaches, such as focused relaxation techniques, which are integrated into phonological processes identified through patient assessment checklists by general practitioners and/or school psychologists.


We have unpacked hypnosis as an effective treatment option for ADHD. We also discussed the potential benefits of hypnosis; explored techniques employed in sessions; reviewed research and evidence-based outcomes on its use, and considered important attributes when deciding whether or not to pursue this treatment option.

The bottom line is that hypnosis for ADHD shows promise! There is increasing evidence that suggests hypnotherapy can help those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder manage their symptoms and lead more purposeful lives.

People with ADHD often report relief from hyperactivity and impulsiveness after receiving therapy. Hypnotherapy is a potential solution for managing long-standing ADHD symptoms, and it is effective for people of all ages. It can be used alongside other treatments, such as CBT or medication.

Rylana Taylor

Hi, I'm Rylana Taylor, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Inner Pathway Hypnosis. As an author and hypnotherapy enthusiast, I specialize in helping individuals harness the transformative power of hypnosis. With a tagline of "Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed," this website aims to provide insightful information, analysis, and reviews of different hypnosis techniques and their efficacy in achieving various benchmarks. Whether it's weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety relief, overcoming phobias, or pain management, I am here to guide you on your path towards positive change. Together, let's discover the incredible possibilities that hypnosis offers.