Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed.

Hypnosis for Anxiety: A Natural Way to Live Stress Free

Hypnosis for Anxiety – Unpacking The Surprising Benefits

Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety?

Hypnosis for anxiety offers an alternative approach to find calm.
Learn how this mind-body technique provides a complementary treatment for anxiety.


Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues, affecting over 40 million American adults each year. Anxiety can manifest in various forms including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, OCD, and PTSD.

The symptoms of anxiety range from excessive worrying and tension to debilitating physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, nausea, and shortness of breath.

While anxiety is a normal human response to stress, anxiety disorders cause severe distress and impairment in daily functioning. Due to the limitations of traditional talk therapy and medications, many people are now turning to alternative and complementary approaches like hypnotherapy to find relief from chronic anxiety.

Understanding Anxiety

Hypnosis for anxiety

To understand how hypnosis can help anxiety, it is important to first understand what causes it. Anxiety disorders develop from a complex combination of factors including genetics, brain chemistry, personality traits, and life experiences.

Researchers believe that people with anxiety have a hyperactive amygdala, the part of the brain that controls fear and emotion. Consequently, it leads to an exaggerated stress response and a flood of neurotransmitters and stress hormones. As a result, normal situations are perceived as threats rather than challenges.

People with anxiety tend to be extra sensitive to uncertainty and potential harm. They are prone to intrusive thoughts, worst-case scenario thinking, avoidance behaviors, and constant feelings of tension and dread. Triggers can include social situations, health issues, work stress, traumatic events, and even mundane day-to-day activities.

Anxiety causes real symptoms including rapid heartbeat, tightness in chest, dizziness, trembling, sweating, etc. During anxiety attacks, these physical sensations are interpreted as dangerous even though they are harmless biological responses. Ultimately, it triggers more fear and anxiety, creating a vicious cycle.

The Surprising Benefits of Hypnosis for Anxiety

While hypnosis for anxiety may seem unorthodox, it has strong empirical support as an effective treatment for anxiety. Here are some of the most significant benefits:

  • Reduced anxiety symptoms – Multiple studies have found hypnosis can rapidly improve symptoms like persistent worrying, panic frequency and emotional distress.
  • Improved relaxation and stress management – Hypnosis activates the relaxation response, lowering blood pressure and easing muscle tension. This provides lasting relief from anxious thoughts and physical symptoms.
  • Enhanced self-confidence and empowerment – Hypnosis boosts self-esteem by reframing negative thought patterns. People feel more in control of their anxiety rather than being victimized by it.
  • Addressing underlying causes – Hypnotherapy allows people to analyze memories, emotions and experiences that may be fueling their anxiety without re-traumatizing them.
  • Complementary to other therapies – Hypnosis typically gets used along with CBT and medications to reinforce treatment. The combination provides greater benefits than any single modality alone.

Multiple clinical trials have confirmed the efficacy of hypnosis for treating generalized anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD, OCD, phobias, and other anxiety disorders. The benefits are often rapid and long-lasting.

How Hypnosis Works

To understand why hypnosis for anxiety is so effective, it is important to understand the overall nature of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Contrary to popular misconceptions, hypnosis is not a form of sleep. The brain remains conscious and aware the entire time.

However, hypnosis does create an intensely focused and relaxed state of mind. This state allows people to bypass their critical, inner voice and develop new perspectives.

Using visualization, metaphor and guided relaxation techniques, a hypnotherapist helps the person enter a hypnotic trance. This state activates the subconscious mind where feelings of anxiety and depression reside.

Positive suggestions are then introduced to “reprogram” the mind. New neural pathways are developed that lead to more constructive emotions and reactions rather than anxiety responses.

In addition to suggestions, hypnotherapy incorporates cognitive and behavioral methods. Thus, it allows people to examine and change habitual thought patterns, false beliefs and avoidance behaviors that contribute to anxiety and stress.

Hypnosis empowers people to calm themselves using self-hypnosis techniques they can continue practicing on their own at home. This prevents anxiety from returning.

Does Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Work for Everyone?

The below statistics suggest that there is a wide range of individual responses to hypnotherapy, with a significant portion of the population being responsive to varying degrees, while some may not respond as strongly. Hypnotherapy’s effectiveness can vary from person to person, and these numbers reflect the diversity in how individuals experience hypnosis.

Responsiveness to hypnotherapy

Supporting data for the above pie chart (Responsiveness to Hypnotherapy) is as follows:

Very Responsive: 12.5% of people are very responsive to hypnosis.
Difficult to Hypnotize: 10% of adults are considered difficult or impossible to hypnotize.
Aware During Hypnotherapy: 90% of people report being aware of everything that happens during hypnotherapy.
Large Response: About 20% of people show a “large” response to hypnosis.
Little Response: The same percentage of people don’t respond much at all.
Intermediate Response: The remaining 55% of people fall somewhere in between in terms of their response to hypnotherapy.

Preparing for a Hypnosis Session

Hypnosis therapy requires an open mind and willingness to engage with the process. The more receptive the person, the more effective it is.

It is important not to be scared of hypnosis. Despite cultural references, people remain fully aware and in control during hypnotic trances.

The most crucial factor is choosing an experienced hypnosis practitioner before undergoing guided hypnosis sessions. Check qualifications and read reviews. Meet with the hypnotherapist ahead of time to discuss your case of anxiety and goals.

Be open about what you hope to achieve so the therapist can customize suggestions and metaphors to maximize your anxiety treatment. Share any concerns so these can be addressed during the hypnosis session.

Before your appointment, avoid alcohol or recreational drugs as these can interfere with your state of hypnosis. Get plenty of rest so you are alert. Wear comfortable clothes so you can fully relax.

What to Expect During a Hypnosis Session

The first hypnosis session typically lasts 1-2 hours. It begins with a discussion about your challenges with anxiety and your expectations from hypnosis as a treatment.

When ready, the hypnotherapist will guide you step-by-step into a state of focused relaxation using an “induction” process. Your arms and eyelids may feel heavy and relaxed.

You remain aware the entire time. The therapist uses imagery, metaphors and suggestion tailored to your issues to promote constructive thinking and behavior.

Most people find the experience calming and enjoyable. Some even describe pleasant detached sensations or mental imagery.

After suggestions are given, the trance state is gradually ended. The hypnotherapist discusses insights and new relaxation techniques to use at home. Further sessions reinforce these new patterns.

How to Use Hypnosis for Anxiety

To achieve success with hypnosis for anxiety, follow these steps:

  • Find a qualified hypnotherapist – Look for mental health professionals with specific training in clinical hypnosis and treating anxiety disorders.
  • Establish goals and expectations – Discuss what anxious thoughts and behaviors you want to overcome. Develop reasonable goals and timeframes. Hypnosis may help you attain your goals.
  • Participate in hypnotherapy sessions – Attend regular sessions with an open mind. Share insights from each session to guide treatment.
  • Incorporate self-hypnosis techniques – Use the relaxation and visualization techniques you learn in order to prevent anxiety between sessions and to help reduce symptoms of anxiety thereafter.

It typically takes at least 2-4 sessions to successfully retrain subconscious habits. After this initial treatment, many people continue self-hypnosis for anxiety at home to reinforce new constructive patterns when stressful events occur.

Other Therapeutic Approaches for Anxiety

Along with hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered one of the most effective therapeutic approaches for anxiety disorders.

CBT helps people identify the root cause of anxiety and challenge irrational anxious thoughts. It uses exposure techniques to gradually face feared situations rather than avoiding them. Relaxation skills are also taught.

Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications are commonly prescribed. These help stabilize brain chemistry and neurotransmitter imbalances linked to anxiety.

Regular exercise, proper nutrition, stress management, and social support are also extremely beneficial. A holistic treatment plan combining multiple modalities generally provides the best chance of overcoming anxiety disorders over the long-term.


In conclusion, hypnosis is a legitimate and empirically-validated way to successfully treat anxiety disorders and gain anxiety relief. The focused state of mind during the use of hypnosis allows positive suggestions to rewire habitual thought patterns and reactions.

Hypnotherapy provides rapid relief from symptoms; empowers people to control anxiety themselves; addresses root causes, and can nicely complement other treatment options. While misconceptions exist, hypnosis is a safe, natural therapeutic tool that can unlock your best mental health.

Rylana Taylor

Hi, I'm Rylana Taylor, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Inner Pathway Hypnosis. As an author and hypnotherapy enthusiast, I specialize in helping individuals harness the transformative power of hypnosis. With a tagline of "Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed," this website aims to provide insightful information, analysis, and reviews of different hypnosis techniques and their efficacy in achieving various benchmarks. Whether it's weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety relief, overcoming phobias, or pain management, I am here to guide you on your path towards positive change. Together, let's discover the incredible possibilities that hypnosis offers.