Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed.

Top 10 Hypnosis Questions Everyone Secretly Wants to Ask

Answering Your Most Burning Hypnosis Questions

Hypnosis Questions


Have questions about hypnosis, but were too afraid to ask? No worries, I’ve got you covered.
Continue reading to get your hypnosis questions answered!

Key Takeaways for Hypnosis Questions

  • Hypnosis is a relaxed yet focused trance state, not unconsciousness. You remain aware and in control.
  • Hypnosis cannot make you do anything embarrassing or against your will. You automatically reject any unacceptable suggestions.
  • It must be done by a properly trained and certified hypnotherapist to ensure ethics and efficacy. Always do a thorough background check before selecting a hypnotherapist.
  • Hypnosis can enhance focus, motivation, and empowerment to overcome challenges like addiction or anxiety. However, success rates vary individually.
  • For maximum results, hypnosis should supplement other needed lifestyle changes or treatments. It is not a miracle cure in itself.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which a person has a heightened focus and concentration. It is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images. When under hypnosis, a person usually feels very calm and relaxed.

Key characteristics of hypnosis:
  • Feeling of extreme relaxation
  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Heightened responsiveness to suggestions
  • State of consciousness between waking and sleeping
Hypnosis is often described as an altered state of consciousness in which a person experiences dramatic but temporary changes in:
  • Sensations
  • Perceptions
  • Thoughts
  • Behavior
Hypnosis can be used for:
  • Relaxation
  • Stress relief
  • Pain management
  • Habit control like quitting smoking
  • Memory retrieval

In brief, hypnosis is a natural state of focused relaxation and concentration, during which therapeutic suggestions can be made to promote beneficial change.

Can hypnosis help me lose weight?

Hypnosis can be an effective tool for weight loss when combined with other lifestyle changes. Here’s how it works for weight loss:

  • It helps identify underlying motivators for eating: Hypnosis can uncover unconscious emotional triggers for overeating like boredom, stress, or loneliness. This increased awareness helps you make healthier choices.
  • It promotes new habits: Hypnotherapy builds new habits and behaviors around food and exercise. Post-hypnotic suggestions can strengthen willpower to avoid unhealthy foods and control portions.
  • It reduces cravings: Hypnosis helps reduce food cravings by teaching your mind to feel satisfied with healthier options. Cravings may arise less often.
  • It boosts motivation: Hypnosis empowers people by boosting motivation and focus. You feel mentally equipped to manage new healthy habits.
  • It relieves stress: Stress relief through hypnosis decreases emotional or stress-related eating. This promotes sustainable weight loss.
For best results, hypnosis should be combined with:
  • Healthy eating plan
  • Regular exercise routine
  • Positive thinking and self-confidence
  • Support network of family and friends

Hypnosis alone won’t lead to significant weight loss. But it is a valuable tool to gain control over psychological and emotional eating challenges. With improved mindset and healthier behaviors, hypnosis can help enable successful, long-term weight management.

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis creates changes by working with a person’s subconscious mind. It utilizes the power of suggestion to alter thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Here is an overview of how hypnosis works:
  • It begins by inducing a deeply relaxed state through focus and concentration. The hypnotherapist uses verbal cues and mental imagery to guide the subject into a trance-like state.

  • This state is marked by increased theta brainwaves, associated with daydreaming, creativity and heightened receptivity.

  • The subject remains aware and in control while simultaneously being in a zone of increased openness to hypnotic suggestions.

  • The hypnotherapist makes therapeutic suggestions targeted at the subconscious to bring about positive change. Examples include:

    • “You are feeling more confident and motivated every day.”
    • “Sugar cravings no longer control you.”
    • “You are calm and relaxed in situations that once caused anxiety.”
  • The repetition of these suggestions imprints them in the mind. Consciously hearing and imagining these changes enables the subconscious to absorb and implement them.

  • Post-hypnotic suggestions may also be used to reinforce behaviors after being brought out of the trance state.

  • With practice and reinforcement, the new thoughts, feelings, and habits can become ingrained parts of the person’s psyche.

  • The subject remains fully in control and will not follow any suggestions they find unacceptable.

In closing, hypnosis opens doors to the subconscious mind by inducing a state of focused relaxation. Skillful hypnotherapists can then positively influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors by targeting suggestions to the relaxed subconscious.

Hypnosis Questions

Is hypnosis dangerous?

Hypnosis is not dangerous when practiced by a certified, ethical hypnotherapist. However, there are some misconceptions about its risks:

Myth Fact
You can get stuck in a hypnotic trance forever. This is absolutely impossible. People always emerge from hypnosis feeling fully alert and in control.
You can be made to do embarrassing things under hypnosis. You remain aware and in full control over your behavior under hypnosis. Anti-social or embarrassing suggestions will be rejected.
Hypnosis can make you reveal deep secrets. Hypnosis cannot make you reveal anything you want to keep secret. You are not unconscious nor a truth serum.
Hypnosis can make you act against your morals. All hypnotic suggestions are subject to your judgment and values. Nothing can make you violate your principles.
Hypnosis can cause mental illness or alter your personality. Hypnosis just allows positive changes within your existing personality. It does not cause any pathological syndromes.
Safety tips:
  • Never undergo hypnosis for entertainment purposes
  • Only work with trained professionals certified by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
  • Always know what suggestions will be made before hypnosis begins
  • Never allow yourself to be hypnotized against your will

In a nutshell, hypnosis is a safe technique when done properly, but common myths have exaggerated its risks. Always educate yourself and choose ethical hypnotherapists to ensure a secure experience.

Can hypnosis improve my memory?

Yes, hypnosis can be used to improve certain aspects of memory in several ways:

  • Enhanced focus – Hypnosis creates a state of heightened focus and concentration, which can improve your ability to remember details. Hypnotic suggestions can specifically target concentration and mindfulness.
  • Relaxation – Stress and anxiety can interfere with memory formation and recall. Hypnosis relieves stress, which often yields improved memory capacity because your mind is calmer and distraction-free.
  • Retrieving memories – Hypnosis can sometimes help retrieve seemingly lost memories, by guiding you into a focused, relaxed state where forgotten memories become more accessible. Results vary greatly by individual.
  • Curb forgetfulness – Suggestions during hypnosis can strengthen abilities of recall, reinforcing daily practices to reduce forgetfulness. Post-hypnotic cues can also be used as reminders.
  • Study retention – Students may use hypnosis to boost focus and decrease anxiety, allowing for improved retention and test performance. Specific suggestions can target concentration, comprehension, and recall.
Hypnosis seems most effective for:
  • Eyewitness memory – recalling details of events
  • Reading comprehension and retention
  • Memory requested in a clinical setting
There are limits to hypnotic memory improvement:
  • It cannot restore memories forever lost due to amnesia or aging.
  • New information still requires learning – hypnosis is not like downloading data.

Summarily, hypnosis can enhance memory modestly by reducing interference and improving encoding abilities. But its overall effects on memory are mild and selective in nature.

Can hypnosis help me quit smoking?

Yes, hypnosis can be an effective aid in quitting smoking when combined with other tools. Here’s how it helps:

  • Reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms – Hypnotic suggestions focus on replacing smoking urges with feelings of calm and control. This lessens the hold nicotine has on the mind.
  • Increases motivation – Hypnosis empowers people to take control of habits and boosts commitment to change. You feel mentally equipped to quit smoking for good.
  • Manages stress – As smoking is often a stress response, hypnosis teaches new relaxation techniques to overcome triggers. This reduces the need for smoking as an outlet.
  • Builds healthy habits – Hypnotherapy can mentally rehearse new habits like exercising, drinking water, or deep breathing when a craving strikes.
  • Improves focus – A clearer mindset makes it easier to avoid situations where you’re tempted to smoke and stick to your goals.
For best results, hypnosis to quit smoking works well with:
  • Nicotine replacement therapy to wean chemical dependence
  • Counseling to identify triggers and adopt coping strategies
  • Social support from friends and family

While hypnosis can help the psychological aspects of smoking addiction, combining it with medical and social support provides the most potential for successfully quitting long-term. Always consult your doctor before attempting to quit. With dedication and a comprehensive approach, hypnosis can empower you to live smoke-free.

Hypnosis questions

What can I expect during a hypnosis session?

If you choose to undergo hypnosis, here is a general guide to what you can expect during a standard session:

Pre-talk – The hypnotherapist will discuss your goals to customize suggestions and give you a chance to ask questions before starting.

Induction – You will be guided into a relaxed, focused state through mental imagery, eye fixation or counting methods. This trance state can take 5-10 minutes to achieve.

Deepening – The hypnotherapist will use verbal cues to deepen the state of relaxation and increase your receptivity to suggestions. You remain aware.

Therapeutic suggestions – Positive suggestions matched to your goals will be made like “you are calm and in control” or “food cravings no longer control you.”

Post-hypnotic suggestions – You may be given cues to use after hypnosis to reinforce new behaviors like “when you smell smoke, you will feel energized to keep breathing fresh air.”

Awakening – The hypnotherapist will count you out of hypnosis, leaving you feeling refreshed and relaxed. The session often ends with a discussion about your experience.

Further sessions – Multiple sessions are usually needed to reinforce suggestions and achieve results. Suggestions get tailored over time. Self-hypnosis may be taught.

What you experience under hypnosis can vary greatly. But most report feeling relaxed yet awake and a sense of time distortion. Remember, you are always in complete control over your thoughts and actions.

Will I do anything embarrassing under hypnosis?

You will not do anything embarrassing or against your will while under hypnosis. Here’s why:

  • You remain aware of everything happening and maintain full control over your behavior.
  • Hypnosis does not cause you to fall asleep or lose consciousness. You are not knocked out or under anyone’s power.
  • The hypnotic state creates relaxation and openness to suggestion, but your core values remain intact.
  • You will immediately reject any suggestion that you find unacceptable, inappropriate or conflicting with your views.
  • Your moral compass stays intact. You naturally resist suggestions to act unethically or illegally.
  • Being hypnotized is not the same as being physically helpless. Your ability to think rationally remains unimpaired.
  • No matter how deeply relaxed you get, you cannot be coerced into saying things or acting in ways you would not consciously agree to.
  • You tend to remember everything that transpires under hypnosis.
Myths of stage hypnosis:
  • Participants are never under complete control of the hypnotist but play along consciously.
  • Volunteers are pre-selected based on being naturally theatrical.
  • The stage hypnotist provides verbal and nonverbal cues on how to act.
  • Embarrassing suggestions are avoided for ethical and legal reasons.

While hypnosis creates an open state of mind, it does not cause a loss of self-control or moral convictions. You will not do anything you’re uncomfortable with or that goes against your nature.

How do I find a qualified hypnotherapist?

Finding a properly trained hypnotherapist is important to ensure you receive safe, ethical and effective hypnosis. Here are some tips:

  • Look for proper certification – Find a hypnotherapist certified by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) or the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH). This ensures rigorous training.
  • Check professional license – Make sure the hypnotherapist is licensed as a mental health professional like a psychologist, counselor, or therapist. This guarantees they have advanced education in hypnosis applications.
  • Verify experience – Ask about their background using hypnosis for your specific goal. Look for several years of full-time experience.
  • Know limitations – Be wary of hypnotists making extreme claims or guarantees. Hypnosis does not produce miracles.
  • Look into specialties – Search for hypnotherapists specializing in your area of need like weight loss, smoking cessation, pain management, etc.
  • Consult doctor – You may want a referral from your physician to ensure the hypnotherapist uses approved techniques that complement any other treatments.
  • Check references – Reading online reviews can help identify reputable hypnotherapists known for professionalism and results.
  • Do a consultation – Have a preliminary discussion to judge comfort with the hypnotherapist before booking official sessions.

Investing time to find the right hypnotherapist helps ensure the best chance of achieving your goals through hypnosis done safely and responsibly.


  • Hypnosis is an effective therapeutic tool when practiced properly by an experienced professional.
  • It can facilitate beneficial changes by imprinting the subconscious mind through enhanced relaxation and focused concentration.
  • Hypnosis may boost motivation, reduce anxieties and destructive habits, or alter pain perception.
  • Results depend greatly on individual suggestibility and additional self-care efforts.
  • With realistic expectations and a comprehensive treatment plan, hypnosis can empower people to overcome many challenges and improve wellbeing.

Rylana Taylor

Hi, I'm Rylana Taylor, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Inner Pathway Hypnosis. As an author and hypnotherapy enthusiast, I specialize in helping individuals harness the transformative power of hypnosis. With a tagline of "Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed," this website aims to provide insightful information, analysis, and reviews of different hypnosis techniques and their efficacy in achieving various benchmarks. Whether it's weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety relief, overcoming phobias, or pain management, I am here to guide you on your path towards positive change. Together, let's discover the incredible possibilities that hypnosis offers.