Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed.

Regression Hypnotherapy Shapes Our Future Through Past Lives

Exploring Regression Hypnotherapy: Revisiting The Past for Insight and Healing

Regression hypnotherapy is a unique form of hypnotherapy that guides clients into memories of past experiences believed to influence current difficulties. By revisiting key events under hypnosis, associated negative emotions and limiting patterns can be resolved.

Understanding Regression Hypnotherapy

Regression hypnotherapy differs from traditional hypnosis by focusing on memories of specific past events rather than current habits or visualization of the future. Regression techniques hypnotically take subjects back to earlier life experiences to uncover repressed memories and gain insights into origins of symptoms.

This therapy is based on the premise that recalling forgotten or traumatic memories from the past, while in an altered trance state, can help identify and release associated negative emotions or false beliefs that underlie current problems. Resolving past experiences allows present healing.

Regression hypnotherapy

History and Development of Regression Hypnotherapy

Regression techniques emerged in the late 19th century alongside the development of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud and others. Hypnosis was soon seen as a means of probing the unconscious mind and forgotten memories believed central in psychoanalysis.

However, later psychoanalysts moved away from hypnosis while hypnotherapists like Milton Erickson began pioneering the therapeutic use of hypnotic regression and age regression in particular. This divergence led to the distinct field of regression hypnotherapy.

Types of Regression Therapy

There are two main types of hypnotic regression used in therapy. Below, I will uncover the two types and provide some context :

Age Regression Therapy

Age regression therapy guides subjects back to vividly re-experience memories from earlier periods of their current lives in order to uncover formative events and repressed memories that profoundly shaped their psyche, emotional patterns and behavior.

Age regression accesses childhood or adolescent memories all within the client’s current lifetime that may hold keys to resolving present challenges. The therapist aims to create a safe revisiting of earlier ages to identify core emotional wounds, gains insights into relationship dynamics and limiting decisions made at developmental milestones.

Specific techniques used in age regression therapy include having the client imagine walking down a hallway into previous ages, looking at past memories in a photo album, or using affect bridge techniques to follow emotions back to earlier origins.

Age regression therapy typically focuses on uncovering repressed memories from toddlerhood through young adulthood that might impact adult life now.

Age regression hypnotherapy provides a direct way to resolve painful or suppressed emotions attached to memories formed at vulnerable developmental stages. By compassionately revisiting these formative years through trance, negative imprints that persist into adulthood can be healed and released.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression helps clients access and process memories from previous lifetimes. The goal of this therapy is to identify and heal past trauma, unresolved relationships, and other issues that may be impacting the client’s current life in unconscious ways.

According to past life regression, everyone lives multiple lives in sequence through reincarnation with the purpose of spiritual learning and growth. Hypnotic access to memories between current and past lives, referred to as the interlife, can provide insights into the goals and relationships that we chose before birth and that continue to shape our lives today.

While the existence of past lives remains unproven scientifically, those undergoing past life regression therapy often find the perspective and spiritual insights meaningful and beneficial personally. However, strict ethical practices must ensure clients are not misled or pressured regarding claims about past lives accessed hypnotically.

The Process of Regression Hypnotherapy

A typical regression hypnotherapy session involves several key phases:

  • The therapist explains the process and sets clear expectations.
  • Induction techniques guide the client into a responsive hypnotic state.
  • The subject is gradually regressed back to the chosen age or past life for exploration.
  • With guidance, the client processes memories and feelings from the past experience.
  • Insights are integrated into the present; positive emotions and resources reinforce healing.
  • The client returns to full waking consciousness feeling lighter and more resolved.

Specific scripts and age regression techniques used vary between practitioners. Post-session processing of recalled memories and emotions also plays an important role.

regression hypnosis

The Benefits and Uses of Regression Hypnotherapy

Research on the efficacy of regression hypnotherapy is limited given the challenges of verifying past life memories. However, many practitioners and clients report a range of benefits from revisiting early life experiences and presumed past lives through hypnosis:

  • Resolving TRAUMA and RELATED SYMPTOMS by accessing repressed memories
  • Identifying CORE BELIEFS that underlie recurring issues
  • Releasing trapped EMOTIONS like grief, shame or anger
  • Exploring SOUL PURPOSE and PAST LIFE origins of talents and relationships
  • Achieving SPIRITUAL INSIGHT into one’s true nature beyond physical identity
  • Enhancing SELF-AWARENESS through a wider lens on your psyche

Specific therapeutic uses include phobia treatment, grief work, and releasing limiting decisions made at formative developmental stages. Experiencing these past events through “inner eyes” allows them to be reprocessed at a deeper level.

Safety and Ethical Considerations in Regression Hypnotherapy

All forms of therapy require ensuring client safety. However, regression hypnotherapy raises some unique ethical concerns:

  • Avoiding leading questions or contaminating authentic memories
  • Handling emerging trauma carefully under supervision
  • Explaining the limitations of verifying past life memories
  • Not imposing the therapist’s own views about past lives

Well-trained regression therapists are aware of the risks of false memories and take steps to mitigate them, such as paying close attention to suggestibility factors. Nonetheless, trust in the professionalism and ethics of the hypnotherapist is paramount.

Critiques and Limitations of Regression Hypnotherapy

Some concerns that have been raised regarding regression hypnotherapy include:

  • Recovered memories may not always be historically accurate due to confabulation.
  • Accessing traumatic memories risks re-traumatization without proper support.
  • The existence of past lives cannot be empirically validated.
  • Benefits attributed to past life regression may arise just from hypnosis itself.

However, proponents argue that even if metaphysical claims about past lives remain unproven, the spiritual insights and healing catharsis catalyzed can still be meaningful and beneficial.

Considerations Before Undergoing Regression Hypnotherapy

It is wise to reflect carefully and educate yourself on the process before pursuing regression therapy. Key considerations include:

  • Your motivations and goals for seeking regression hypnotherapy
  • Comfort discussing intimate issues with the regression therapist
  • Openness to emotional catharsis and processing that may arise
  • Willingness to temporarily suspend analytical disbelief
  • Avoidance of regression hypnotherapy by those with schizophrenia or psychosis

Finding an appropriately qualified professional hypnotherapist who focuses on regression work is also critically important.

The Role of the Hypnotherapist in Regression Therapy

As with all hypnotherapy, compassionate rapport and professional ethics are vital in regression work. The therapist’s duties include the following:

  • Screening clients for suitability and risks of regression therapy
  • Tailoring inductions and scripts to the individual
  • Pacing and guiding the regression and memory recall process
  • Providing non-judgmental support during emotional releases
  • Helping integrate insights in a balanced healthy manner
  • Avoiding leading questions or assumptions about metaphysical claims

Advanced training ensures therapists have the proper skills to facilitate explorations of the subconscious mind through past life and age regression hypnosis.


In summary, regression hypnotherapy provides a unique way to revisit formative life experiences to gain self-awareness and resolve associated negative patterns affecting current wellbeing.

While requiring skill to avoid adverse risks, ethical regression hypnosis can complement other therapeutic modalities for holistic, mind-body healing.

Rylana Taylor

Hi, I'm Rylana Taylor, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Inner Pathway Hypnosis. As an author and hypnotherapy enthusiast, I specialize in helping individuals harness the transformative power of hypnosis. With a tagline of "Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed," this website aims to provide insightful information, analysis, and reviews of different hypnosis techniques and their efficacy in achieving various benchmarks. Whether it's weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety relief, overcoming phobias, or pain management, I am here to guide you on your path towards positive change. Together, let's discover the incredible possibilities that hypnosis offers.