Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed.

Suggestion Hypnosis: Unveiling the Power of Suggestion & Hypnotherapy

Understanding Suggestion Hypnosis and Its Powerful Influence

The interplay between the conscious and subconscious mind forms the basis of how suggestion hypnosis works. By using verbal and non-verbal cues, hypnotic suggestions bypass the critical thinking of the conscious mind to directly access the subconscious. This allows new beliefs and behaviors to be implanted that can lead to profound change.

Defining Suggestion Hypnosis

Suggestion hypnosis, also known as direct suggestion hypnosis, utilizes therapeutic hypnotic suggestions aimed at producing positive changes for the client. The hypnotherapist guides the subject into a relaxed, highly focused trance state where the subconscious mind becomes more receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

Tailored, goal-oriented suggestions are then introduced verbally which the subconscious mind absorbs and translates into transformed thoughts, emotions and actions. This process aims to modify habitual patterns, overcome fears or phobias, build motivation and confidence, and anchor new ways of being.

Unpacking Hypnosis and Trance States

To comprehend how suggestion hypnosis works, it helps to explore what hypnosis actually is. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness marked by heightened focus, increased suggestibility and openness to the hypnotist’s guidance.

The conscious mind’s skepticism and filters are bypassed in hypnosis, allowing direct communication with the more malleable subconscious mind which controls our habits, emotions and beliefs on autopilot.

A hypnotic trance utilizes relaxation, guided imagery and focus techniques to induce this hyper-attentive brain state where new ideas and behaviors can readily crystallize. Trance is a common everyday phenomenon and hypnotic trances are an intensified version that can be harnessed therapeutically.

Process of suggestion hypnosis

The Process of Hypnosis

Guiding a client through a hypnosis session generally involves four main stages. Let’s explore the stages:


The induction phase aims to settle the mind, build focus and relax the body to enter the state of hypnosis. The hypnotherapist employs techniques like:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation – Tensing and relaxing muscle groups
  • Fixed gazing – Focusing on a neutral object
  • Imagery of a peaceful scene
  • Counting backwards
  • Deep rhythmic breathing

As these relaxation techniques quiet mental chatter and physical tension, the conscious mind becomes engrossed in the present moment, allowing the subconscious to surface.


Once in a hypnotic state, deepening techniques extend the trance even further. These may include:

  • Counting down mentally into deeper levels
  • Visualizing descending a staircase
  • Imagining drifting into deeper relaxation
  • Listening to the therapist’s calming voice

The trance state is amplified so hypnotic suggestions can have greater impact.


With the conscious mind at rest and subconscious mind engaged, the hypnotherapist introduces specific hypnotic suggestions carefully tailored to the therapeutic goals. These are repeated several times to firmly implant them.

The subconscious mind absorbs the positively-framed suggestions which then translate into automated patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving congruent with the suggestions. This reprogramming effect underlies the power of hypnosis for personal change.


The hypnotherapist gradually guides the client out of the hypnotic trance state using calming techniques like:

  • Counting upwards from the hypnotic depth level back to full waking consciousness
  • Having the client visualize themselves rising up a staircase, leaving the relaxed state
  • Making definitive statements that the hypnosis session is ending
  • Suggesting the client will awake feeling energized and mentally clear

The termination phase ensures the client returns to full alertness in a comfortable gradual manner so they emerge feeling deeply relaxed and refreshed.

Importantly, post-hypnotic suggestions are given during the session for the client to continue reinforcing the new patterns at home after the hypnosis session has ended. Ongoing practice of these self-hypnosis techniques facilitates long-term transformation by anchoring the subconscious changes introduced during the therapist-guided hypnosis session.

Types of Suggestions in Hypnosis

Below are the two main forms of hypnotic suggestions. I will briefly unpack each type:

Direct Suggestions

Direct suggestions explicitly state the goal or change to be made such as “You will no longer crave sweets” or “You have the confidence to speak up in meetings”. They aim to reprogram the subconscious mind through clear, concise hypnotic recommendations.

Indirect Suggestions

Indirect suggestions embed therapeutic meaning within stories, metaphors or symbolic language allowing the subconscious to interpret the message on its own terms. For example, telling an allegorical tale with implied takeaways. This can bypass resistance some direct suggestions may encounter.

The Role of Suggestibility in Hypnosis

A person’s innate predisposition to respond to suggestions, known as suggestibility, has been shown to correlate with how easily they will enter trance states and adopt hypnotic suggestions as new patterns.

Studies using scales like the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale assess an individual’s hypnotic suggestibility based on their responsiveness to standardized suggestion scripts. Higher scores indicate a greater tendency to absorb and implement hypnotic suggestions.

The Power and Effects of Hypnotic Suggestion

Extensive research has validated the dramatic effects hypnotic suggestion can catalyze by tapping into the mind’s innate neuroplasticity to reprogram thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns.

Behavior Modification

Numerous studies confirm hypnosis paired with targeted suggestions is highly effective for goals like resisting unwanted habits, increasing motivation, rapidly resolving phobias and achieving personal goals like business success, weight loss or boosted confidence. The focused mental state allows new patterns to readily crystallize.

The Placebo Effect

Fascinating studies on the placebo effect demonstrate the tangible power of belief and expectation alone to catalyze healing responses in the mind and body. Hypnotic suggestions harness this phenomenon by conditioning subjects to reflexively experience the suggested effect or change by bypassing analytical thought.

Suggestion and the Brain

Brain imaging research reveals how hypnotic suggestions stimulate activity in distinct regions of the brain corresponding with the type of change suggested. For instance, a hypnotic suggestion to perceive color in a gray image activates the visual cortex. This demonstrates definitive cerebral changes underlie hypnotically-induced transformation.

Applications of Suggestion Hypnosis

Given its ability to reprogram the mind’s automatic patterns, the clinical and personal applications of harnessing suggestion through hypnosis are extremely far-reaching.

Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis conducted by licensed psychologists, therapists and health professionals is proven through many rigorously-designed trials to be highly effective for treating chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, obesity and a wide array of other psychological and medical conditions.

Despite myths about loss of control, the subject remains fully aware and able to terminate hypnosis. Hypnotic suggestions provide therapeutic benefits that persist long after the session.


After being guided into initial hypnotic trance states and given positive suggestions by a therapist, many people learn to subsequently practice self-hypnosis through recorded audio suggestions tailored to their needs.

This greatly empowers individuals to continue reinforcing their own growth and behavioral changes hypnotically. Self-hypnosis provides an accessible way to keep anchoring the new patterns and beliefs after the therapist-guided sessions end.


In summary, the focused receptive state of hypnosis allows suggestion to effectively reshape our deepest patterns, beliefs and responses through accessing the powerful subconscious mind. With skill and ethics, such positively-framed hypnotic suggestions can profoundly improve lives.

Rylana Taylor

Hi, I'm Rylana Taylor, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Inner Pathway Hypnosis. As an author and hypnotherapy enthusiast, I specialize in helping individuals harness the transformative power of hypnosis. With a tagline of "Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed," this website aims to provide insightful information, analysis, and reviews of different hypnosis techniques and their efficacy in achieving various benchmarks. Whether it's weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety relief, overcoming phobias, or pain management, I am here to guide you on your path towards positive change. Together, let's discover the incredible possibilities that hypnosis offers.