Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed.

Understanding Hypnosis: Exploring The Benefits, Risks, And How Hypnosis Works

Understanding Hypnosis: Exploring The Benefits, Risks, And How Hypnosis Works


Hypnosis is a multi-layered condition that uses a type of mind-body medicine to alter one’s state of awareness for improving focus. In this article, you will find clear explanations about the basics of hypnosis, its potential benefits and risks, as well as information on finding an experienced hypnotherapist.

Are you ready to deep dive into the world of hypnosis? Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Hypnotherapy is a type of mind – body medicine that involves altered states of consciousness for improving focus.
  • It can be used to treat both physical and psychological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, addiction and insomnia amongst many others.
  • Potential risks include false memories being created, negative emotional reactions, and overuse leading to dependence or unwanted changes in behavior.
  • Before engaging in hypnosis sessions, it is important to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional who can assess individual needs and design appropriate treatment plans.

Hypnosis and How Does Hypnosis Work?

Overview of understanding hypnosis

Hypnosis is a form of mind-body medicine that results in a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It is usually induced by a hypnotherapist, who uses guiding words and images to access the subconscious mind.

During this process, people can find answers to their problems or gain insight into their inner thoughts—without necessarily being aware of it occurring. Common conditions that could be treated with hypnosis include depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress.

A hypnotic experience typically lasts for 30-60 minutes. It involves a progression of stages, starting with relaxation and progressing to deeper levels of hypnosis. During this time, the client may be guided through relaxation techniques, visualization, and suggestion therapy. This can help them feel more at ease and open to change.

Shallower levels of hypnosis can help clients rewire their response patterns. This can lead to profound changes over time, such as increased confidence, resilience, peace, productivity, emotional control, focus, creativity, insights, and the ability to manage life transitions.

Hypnosis can be a beneficial tool for everyone involved. It is a safe and effective way to improve focus and treat a variety of physical and psychological life transitions such as weight regulation, smoking cessation, alcohol addiction, post-traumatic symptoms, and other areas.

Common myths about hypnosis

  1. It is dangerousHypnosis is a safe, natural state of mind. It does not involve any form of loss of control or risks to mental wellbeing. In fact, the science says it can help people gain insights into their unconscious minds and how they can change their behavior.
  2. The hypnotist will make you do embarrassing things: While under hypnosis, one never loses the ability to reason or instinctually resist suggestions made by the hypnotist if they don’t feel comfortable with them. In other words, no one can be forced to do something against their will while undergoing hypnosis.
  3. You cannot be hypnotized: This simply isn’t true – the Stanford Scales have found that up to 90% of people are able to enter a state of hypnosis when given appropriate instruction and guidance from a qualified practitioner.
  4. You won’t be able to remember what happened while in hypnosis: Even though some memories may come through hazily during the experience, most hypnotherapy sessions are recorded so the patient can review the session after it has ended and remember the important points discussed during it with clarity.
  5. Hypnosis involves mind control: This myth is rooted in misinformation and exaggerations on how stage hypnotists perform shows for entertainment purposes only – such performances are NOT an accurate representation of clinical hypnotherapy at all! Hypnotherapists focus on guiding individuals through exercises designed to bring about positive psychological changes that can improve quality of life and health outcomes overall — without using any form of mind control techniques whatsoever!

Conditions that can be treated with hypnosis

Hypnosis has shown to be effective in treating a range of conditions, both physical and psychological in nature. The approach, when used by trained professionals, is generally considered safe and can offer benefits including pain control and symptom management.


Condition Benefits
Pain Management Hypnosis is effective in controlling pain in conditions such as burns, cancer, childbirth, fibromyalgia, and jaw problems. It offers a non-pharmacological method of managing pain, which can be especially beneficial in chronic conditions.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Studies suggest that hypnosis can help manage IBS symptoms. Through relaxation and suggestion, hypnosis can help to decrease the severity and frequency of IBS symptoms, improving patients’ overall quality of life.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) With hypnosis, individuals suffering from PTSD can address their symptoms in a controlled, therapeutic setting. The hypnotic state allows them to explore traumatic memories in a safe manner, potentially reducing the frequency and intensity of PTSD symptoms.
Depression and Anxiety Hypnosis can be beneficial in addressing symptoms of depression and anxiety. The process can help individuals to relax, manage their symptoms, and explore the root causes of their condition in a supportive environment.


It’s important to remember that while hypnosis can be beneficial in treating these conditions, it’s typically used as a supplementary treatment and should be undertaken in consultation with a healthcare professional.

Description of the hypnotic experience

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration, usually experienced as a pleasant encounter. During hypnosis, one’s awareness is greatly heightened while feeling relaxed, calm and at peace with the world around him or her. Some may even feel they are in an altered mental state or dream-like trance.

With this increased focus of attention and level of suggestibility, it becomes possible to alter certain physiological processes such as pain perception, heart rate or respiration.

It also allows access to repressed memories that can be explored further with guidance from a qualified therapist, as well as suggestions being given through verbal commands. As a result, it could have beneficial effects on behaviors like stopping smoking or reducing stress levels.

The Benefits and Risks of Hypnosis

Hypnosis can provide a host of benefits, whether you are looking to address physical or mental health issues, so be sure to explore the potential pros and cons before jumping in.

Benefits of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective therapeutic modality that can have profound positive impacts on an individual’s quality of life. It can be used to treat both physical and psychological conditions, such as anxiety, PTSD symptoms, chronic pain, IBS, addiction, phobias, insomnia etc. Through hypnosis, patients are able to achieve deep relaxation which helps reduce stress and promote improved sleep. Furthermore, it can help bring hidden emotions or suppressed thoughts to the conscious mind making them more easily addressed in therapy sessions.

Who can benefit from hypnosis

Hypnotherapy can help people of all ages and backgrounds address a wide range of issues, from changing habits to managing pain. It has been used to treat conditions such as alcoholism, postsurgical pain, nail biting, PTSD, addiction, and depression.

By creating an altered state of consciousness in which the mind is more open to suggestion than it would be in its usual waking state, hypnosis can help individuals gain control over behaviors they would like to change and/or cope with their symptoms.

For example, it has been found to be helpful for managing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It can also assist with trouble sleeping or sleepwalking due to nighttime anxiety; those who suffer from chronic nightmares may also benefit from hypnosis.

Hypnosis may promote relaxation as well as soothe feelings of fear or stress that are associated with certain types of medical procedures before they take place. Those struggling with substance-use disorder (SUD) may find relief through hypnotherapy combined with other treatments focusing on behavior modification techniques.

Potential risks and limitations of hypnosis

Hypnotherapy may not be an ideal choice for people who are unable to concentrate or focus; have difficulty with visualization; react passively to suggestions or have been diagnosed with any mental illness. Hypnosis can cause false memories, known as confabulations, and may cause negative emotional reactions. In rare cases, it is possible to over-utilize the techniques of hypnosis and become dependent on hypnotherapy. Clients may experience lightheadedness, feelings of pure bliss and vivid dreamlike images during the hypnotic process. Hypnotherapy may also carry a risk of experiencing discomfort due to flashbacks or troubling memories that come up during the session. It could also lead to unwanted changes in behavior which may be difficult to reverse.

The Process of Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy sessions will typically involve the use of relaxation techniques, guided imagery, and the suggestion of positive habits to help you reach a deeper mind state.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session

During hypnotherapy sessions, a patient or client goes into a trance state to focus on specific issues. This is usually done in a safe and supportive environment guided by the hypnotherapist, who helps induce the state of relaxation.

During this time, the patient will remain aware of his or her surroundings, but be more open to suggestion and focused attention with deeper levels of concentration than normal. The therapist uses techniques such as verbal cues and visual imagery to assist in guiding them into a calm mental space.

Once they reach this state, the therapist can then use suggestions for relaxation while also addressing any negative beliefs or behaviors that may be underlying issues related to their condition.

By addressing these issues in an altered psychological state, various physical outcomes can result due to being under an ‘altered reality’. As such, hypnotherapy can be effective at treating conditions like ADHD, eating disorders (such as binge-eating) and addiction (such as alcoholism).

Use of hypnosis as a complementary treatment

Hypnosis is often used as a complementary treatment to help individuals address medical and psychological issues. Hypnotherapy, which utilizes hypnosis as its primary form of intervention, has also been found to be effective in treating sugar addiction, infections, bed wetting and blood pressure control.

Additionally, hypnotherapy can offer support to habit changes such as smoking cessation or weight loss by altering attitudes and beliefs around the issue at hand. Specifically for PTSD, studies have demonstrated that when mental health professionals use hypnotherapy in combination with talk therapy, it can reduce distressing flashbacks or nightmares associated with the condition.

Furthermore, some clinicians also prescribe tapes for self-hypnotic practice to further reinforce positive messages embedded during sessions – providing clients with higher levels of independence over their recovery journey.

Duration of hypnotherapy treatment

The duration of hypnotherapy treatment can vary greatly depending on the individual and his or her specific goals. Generally, a single session may last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more; however, ultimately the length of a person’s course of treatment is determined by factors such as the complexity level and progress made over time.

For instance, typically longer-term issues or those that are deeply rooted will require more sessions than shorter-term or surface-level ones. Additionally, conditions which have been ingrained for a long period may respond better to continually repeating treatments rather than one extended session.

Ultimately, since everyone’s needs are unique, it is best to consult with your qualified hypnotherapist in order to get the correct timing for you and your particular case.

Finding a Hypnotherapist and Further Resources

When seeking the help of a hypnotherapist, ensure to find one who is properly qualified and experienced in this field.

Selecting a qualified hypnotherapist

  • Start by researching available resources and seeking out recommendations from primary care professionals or trusted sources. You may also consider referral services, the directory of hypnotherapy organizations, and online listings can provide insight on which ones are qualified.
  • Inquire about the hypnotherapist’s background: professional qualifications/backgrounds, experience level in treating specific issues or conditions effectively, the number of years in practice, and any additional tools they use (meditation techniques). Ask for a reference list of clients if necessary.
  • Get to know the potential therapist’s practice style – consider methods used such as direct suggestion therapy or cognitive-behavioral intervention and whether there is sufficient comfort during treatment sessions when discussing sensitive topics like past traumas or inner fears. It should be ensured that all confidential personal information is kept secure according to current legislation standards while working with them.
  • Verify their license status through state licensing boards and check reviews from other patients who have consulted with them before to get an idea of satisfaction levels provided by others who have also received treatments from this person. Make sure they belong to reputable national networks or certification societies affiliated with recognized medical associations such as American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association etc., for extra assurance regarding credentials listed on profiles shared across these platforms. Lastly, it will prove useful to ask if they carry patient insurance accepted by most health insurers though its not always mandatory in many countries.

Where to find help and additional information

In order to understand hypnosis and pursue it as a possible therapy, one must look for help and additional information. There are various online directories offered by the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists (NBCCH) which provides general information on hypnosis-related topics.

Additionally, reputable sources like Mayo Clinic explain how hypnosis works and the benefits of using it. WebMD further explains the potential treatment of behavioral physical developments that can be addressed with hypnosis while giving factual insight into understanding risks and benefits when approaching this therapy type.

Summary of key points and closing thoughts

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for treating various psychological and physical conditions. Nonetheless, it is important that the patient finds an experienced hypnotherapist in order to get the best benefits.

Benefits of hypnotic treatment range from reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, to helping address challenging behavioral issues such as binge eating. While hypnotherapy is generally safe with minimal side effects, some people may experience dizziness, headaches or sleep difficulties afterwards.

However, when properly performed in combination with traditional medical treatments—hypnosis has proven highly effective in improving mental health outcomes and quality of life.


The practice of hypnosis can be helpful in treating various conditions, from managing chronic pain to overcoming addiction or dealing with traumatic memories. Nonetheless, it is important to keep in mind that hypnosis has its limitations and there are potential risks associated with the therapy.

To ensure a positive outcome, it is important to find a qualified and reputable hypnotherapist and discuss potential benefits as well as any risks before undergoing treatment. With proper knowledge of what hypnosis does and an understanding of its possible effects on both body and mind, anyone can benefit from the powerful tool that is hypnosis.

Rylana Taylor

Hi, I'm Rylana Taylor, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Inner Pathway Hypnosis. As an author and hypnotherapy enthusiast, I specialize in helping individuals harness the transformative power of hypnosis. With a tagline of "Benefits of hypnosis, reviewed," this website aims to provide insightful information, analysis, and reviews of different hypnosis techniques and their efficacy in achieving various benchmarks. Whether it's weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety relief, overcoming phobias, or pain management, I am here to guide you on your path towards positive change. Together, let's discover the incredible possibilities that hypnosis offers.